There are several options available to you when searching for a specific outline in the Course Outline Portal. The above picture shows all of the different ways you filter through outlines within the portal. Although this specific layout comes from the library section of the portal, you can find these on your dashboard as well. In order to see the full view, click on the “Filters” button.
- Term: you can filter through outlines to see courses from one or more specific terms. In the picture, we have it filtered to show only outlines published for courses running during Spring/Summer 2023
- Looking for something…: this is the general search field. If you already know what you are looking for, you can search by typing a course name, a keyword, or anything else that you think will give you your result
- Subject: you can filter to show only outlines for a specific subject. Click on “Subject” to open a dropdown menu of subject codes. Note that if you filter by subject, you can only look at one subject at a time
- Course number: you can filter to show only outlines with a specific course number (e.g. 1A03)
- Organization: this is a good option if you are looking for a wider selection of outlines, as it shows everything from a specific department, faculty, school, or campus
- Instructor: if you are looking for all outlined published by a specific instructor, you can type their name into the “Instructor” field