On your dashboard, you may see tutorial and lab sections in your “To Do” column, indicating that you can create outlines for them. You do not have to fill these out. Completing the outline for your lecture section(s) will allow your students to see it. Ignore the tutorial and lab sections […]
Which sections are required on each outline?
When building your outlines, you will notice that some sections are required while others are optional. The required sections are noted in three ways: 1. They are outlined in red and the word “Required” appears at the bottom. 2. Their visibility toggles are locked to “Visible.” 3. When you go […]
Why are there three options for Generative AI policies?
When building your course outlines, you may notice that there are three sections devoted to the use of generative AI: “Use Prohibited,” “Some Use Permitted,” and “Unrestricted Use.” These policies have been approved to appear on new course outlines. Which one you use is up to you as an instructor. […]
Privacy Compliance
The selection of Simple Syllabus as the vendor for the Course Outline Portal was conducted in alignment with McMaster University’s commitment to privacy, information security, and legal compliance. Thorough IT security, privacy, and legal assessments were conducted throughout the procurement process. McMaster University remains dedicated to continuous monitoring and evaluation to […]
How do I create a link to a specific outline, department, or faculty?
Creating a Link to an Outline If you are looking to share a copy of your outline somewhere – a website, an email, or even as part of your CV – we recommend sharing a link to it. As long as your outline is open to the “General Public,” you […]
How do I add alt text to my outlines?
If you are planning to use images, videos, or other non-text content, it is best to include alt-text to ensure they remain accessible to all readers. To add alt-text, first insert the content you plan to include using the relevant button in the text editor. For my example, I have […]
How do I add another instructor to my course?
If you are co-teaching a course with someone or there is reason for someone else to be given instructor status for your course, reach out to your department manager or chair to have them added at the Mosaic level. Adding an instructor within your outline does NOT give them instructor […]
Why don’t I see a course I’m teaching on my dashboard?
If you are set to teach a course and you do not see it on your dashboard, you will have to contact your department. The Course Outline Portal gets all of its information from Mosaic. You may not have been added to the course at the Mosaic end. Speak to […]
Course Learning Outcomes Component
To enter a learning outcome on your course outline, click on the red pencil icon next to the words “Add new objective.” This is a plain text field, so you are limited to text for this section. Once you have finished writing an outcome, click “Save.” If you need […]
Can someone build an outline without having a MacID?
There are several reasons why an instructor might not have a MacID but still need to use the portal to build their outline. A sessional instructor, new hire, or someone from another institution, for example, might all teach at Mac but not have a MacID (yet). How do they interact […]